Friday, February 08, 2008

My one year

Today just so happens to be my one year anniversary at the bank!
I'm so happy and very fortunate to be employed here. I have luck during the "one year" times :) Hey I even got a cute key chain, he he. I'm happy cuz that means raise time! those are always nice... plus who knows, I may even have better news ; ] Oh, and I even get 100 nfb bucks and I have enough to get a visa gift card, can you say shopping spree!! Woot!

As for my "side" project, I'm helping with a party tonight, it was pretty short notice, ok very short notice and I feel so bad. However I know it will benifit me in the end. After all Tomorrow I am ALL yours! I pinky swears! I had a book party this week.... I don't even want to talk about it. I'm a tad bit annoyed but it all comes with the terrain. Good news is so far its well, I feel like I just have to get organized. Will do!

With that said, Tomorrow I am all Mike's so don't call me, I will be too busy in loves!

Oh and in case you were wondering what I'm going to do with my saved up camera fund money.. I found something new to spend it on... but that is another story that I will soon tell :)
(gotta leave some suspense lol) Ah that would kill me so here is a hint!

K well I'm off and I think I may open a new account account tonight so see ya!

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